Fig. 6. Explanation for macular deformation caused by retinal nerve fiber (RNF) contraction after removing the internal limiting membrane (ILM). (A) In area of ILM removal to a small extent, RNFs are arranged radially in the nasal half. They oppose vertically at the horizontal raphe in the temporal half. (B) The contraction forces of RNFs expand the foveal depression nasally, as the deforming forces offset each other vertically in the temporal half. Thus, the fovea is elongated asymmetrically. (C) More extensive ILM removal exposes RNFs from the horizontal raphe beyond the vertical midline. (D) The contraction forces of RNFs and gravity displace all foveal tissue to the optic disc and slightly downward. RNFL = retinal nerve fiber layer. Adapted from Park et al. [18].