eISSN 2508-3589
pISSN 2508-1926

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Comparison of average macular thickness in hyperhomocysteinemia patients and normal subjects

Variable Hyperhomocysteinemia Normal p-value*
Fovea (μm) 266.01 ± 29.59 278.71 ± 25.17 0.029
Inner ring (μm) 335.19 ± 20.73 335.88 ± 22.40 0.873
Outer ring (μm) 297.49 ± 16.40 291.13 ± 18.96 0.092

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

*By independent t-test.

J Retin 2024;9:10-7 https://doi.org/10.21561/jor.2024.9.1.10
© 2024 J Retin