eISSN 2508-3589
pISSN 2508-1926

Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. ONL thickness at each location at baseline and last examination. (A) ONL thickness shows significant thinning in the inner nasal and all outer areas except the outer superior. (B) Avg outer area of ONL thickness shows significant thinning. (C) There is no significant change in each area, while the average inner area shows significant thinning. (D) There is no significant change in ONL thickness. Error bars indicate standard deviation. HCQ = hydroxychloroquine; ONL = outer nuclear layer; F = fovea; SI = superior inner; TI = temporal inner; II = inferior inner; NI = nasal inner; SO = superior outer; TO = temporal outer; IO = inferior outer; NO = nasal outer; Avg = average. *Statistically significant p-values.
J Retin 2024;9:62-72 https://doi.org/10.21561/jor.2024.9.1.62
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